Zucchini Slice

  • Servings : 24
  • Prep Time : 10m
  • Cook Time : 30m
  • Ready In : 40m

We made this zucchini slice for Harry’s party as a savoury option. It was delicious and easy and everyone loved it. One piece of zucchini slice, one piece of chocolaty goodness, one piece of zucchini slice… etc. It’s the semi healthy facade, makes you feel better.

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  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup self raising flour, sifted
  • 3 large zucchini, grated - squeeze out excess juice
  • 1 large brown onion, finely chopped
  • 6 slices of rindless bacon, chopped
  • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • ¼ cup vegetable oil


Step 1

Preheat oven to 170°C. Grease and line a 30 x 20cm slice tin -

Step 2

Beat the eggs in a large bowl until combined. Add the flour and beat until smooth, then add zucchini, onion, bacon, cheese and oil and stir to combine -

Step 3

Pour into the prepared pan and bake in oven for 30 minutes or until cooked through -

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Recipe Comments

  1. posted by thegingerbreadmum.com on July 2, 2012

    Looks yummy… and easy. Definitely trying this!

  2. posted by Justine Slapp on November 13, 2012

    This recipe looks great – I just wanted to get Jessica’s thoughts on salt content in the bacon for babies under 12 months. Would ham be better or is it not an issue at all?

    • posted by Jess on November 14, 2012

      Hi Justine,
      Both ham and bacon are very high in salt, fat and contain nitrates, so should mostly be avoided for babies under 12 months. The salt content of both these products can vary widely and on average are quite similar when comparing ham with raw bacon weight for weight. Ham compared with cooked bacon has a much lower sodium content weight for weight due to moisture loss in the bacon cooking process. If purchasing deli products you aren’t able to check the sodium (salt) content of the product however you can if you are buying packaged ham or bacon from the fridge section of the supermarket. When comparing products look at the “100g” column of the nutrition information panel. Personally I would go for the ham option for the young bubs. I hope this helps. Jx

      • posted by Justine Slapp on November 14, 2012

        Thanks 🙂

  3. posted by Amy on January 1, 2014

    Thank you for this fantastic recipe. It’s become my ‘go to’ whenever I need to whip up a quick dinner for my two toddlers. I also add extra veggies like grated carrot, asparagus, peas and corn. They can’t eat it fast enough!

  4. posted by Christine on January 30, 2014

    Second what Amy says – the whole family loves this! I’ve also used GF flour and added an extra egg – still comes out great!!

  5. posted by Azelia on March 5, 2014

    Any ideas on making this dairy-free? Would it be ok without cheese, or is that an essential ingredient?

    • posted by Naomi on August 24, 2014

      I’ve made it without the cheese, and it still stays together, and was liked by my dairy-free toddler

    • posted by Amy on January 18, 2015

      My daughter can’t have dairy so I regularly make this without cheese. It still tastes great.

  6. posted by Cat on March 24, 2014

    I assume these are good to freeze? Trying to find some easy freezable dishes for my toddler. Thanks

    • posted by Jess on March 27, 2014

      Hi Cat,
      Yes, these are great for the freezer 🙂 Enjoy, Jx

  7. posted by Alex on April 6, 2014

    Made this and it tasted great. Harry and I both ate it for dinner. Only problem was is was sloppy, which I guess was because I didn’t cook it long enough. Will definitely try again.

    • posted by Allie on April 7, 2014

      Thanks Alex, try squeezing all the juice out of the zucchini first, that might help? Ax

  8. posted by Jess on April 13, 2014

    Tried this today. Followed the advice to squeeze out moisture and it worked a treat. Yummy lunch for everyone.

  9. posted by Jenni on June 14, 2014

    How long would this keep in the fridge? And could it be frozen?

    • posted by Jess on June 20, 2014

      Hi Jenni, I would suggest 1-2 days in the fridge and yes it is suitable to freeze. Jx

  10. posted by Bec on July 7, 2014

    Hey Jess,
    I made a batch of these for our mothers group to celebrate our babies all turning one. They were a real hit with the bubs and parents. Thanks for the recipe!

    • posted by Jess on July 7, 2014

      Thanks for the lovely feedback Bec. Great to hear they were a hit 🙂 Jx

  11. posted by Karly on August 1, 2014

    I make this all the time for my little one. I use ham instead of bacon and never put the oil in it. I find the oil makes it way too greasy and it’s perfectly fine without it 🙂

  12. posted by Leigh on August 1, 2014

    I have just about given up on baked zucchini stuff. I think I must be “cursed” – no matter what I do! I need a foolproof solution to soggy undercooked slice!

    • posted by Allie on August 1, 2014

      Try and squeeze all the liquid out of the zucchini once it is grated.

  13. posted by amanda on August 1, 2014

    Just wondering do you need to cook the bacon before you add to rest of ingredients?

    • posted by Allie on August 1, 2014

      No it will cook in the oven 🙂

  14. posted by deb on August 3, 2014

    So I tried this today and I think some of our ingredients in the states are different. Our bacon is smoked so this has to be fried in advance. Your bacon may be cured which is quite different. Also your flour probably has other things in it to make it rise. Ours does not. The picture shows a bread or cake like consistency.
    So I fried the bacon and onion. I did add the flour but won’t next time as it baked in 25 mins and the flour had a raw taste to it. So I will make more adjustments to it. Overall it is a good recipe and has lots of potential. Potatoes, broccoli cheese, etc. I would like it to be more cake or bread consistency.

    • posted by Kat on October 31, 2014

      Hi Deb, if you only have plain flour, try adding some baking powder to help it rise. Self raising flour just has the extra raising agent already added. Not sure about the bacon, you do need to cook it in Aus before eating but it must be hitting temperature in the oven enough to cook through. I haven’t made this, just checking out the comments before I give it a go minus the dairy for my miss.

  15. posted by Simone on January 8, 2015

    Can these be made in a muffin tray? Would I need to change anything? And can you reheat in the microwave?

  16. posted by Cheryl CHUGG on February 4, 2015

    how many cups of zucchini because large isn’t very accurate and some of my garden zucchinis are very large the size of your thigh

  17. posted by Michelle on February 7, 2015

    Just made these and they are great – definitely squeeze the zucchini after grating as I got heaps of liquid out of mine. Really yummy – thank you!!

  18. posted by Erin on February 25, 2015

    These worked out wonderfully well! They were a big hit with my fussy eater, will make them again

  19. posted by Donna on August 16, 2015

    I add garlic for some extra punch and I fry over the bacon, zucchini, onion and garlic to help bring out the juice. I let it cool in a colander to save the hassle of of squeezing out the juice.

  20. posted by Shaye on April 1, 2016

    This was delicious!! I also added grated sweet potato which worked really well. My 1yr old loved it

  21. posted by Lauren on April 7, 2016

    Thanks for another wonderful recipe 🙂
    This was soo yummy and my little man loved it!
    I added an extra egg to make it bigger, 2x grated carrots, a sprinkle of dried onion instead of spring onion and chunky ham instead of bacon.
    Will definitely become a regular in this house!

  22. posted by Elizabeth on July 25, 2021

    Hey, would you know the calorie count for this whole batch according to the recipe?

  23. posted by Belinda on September 12, 2021

    Hi, just wondering if there was a different temp depending on oven type?


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