Starting Solids

By : | 0 Comments | On : September 22, 2012 | Category : Solids

Regardless of what age you choose to start solids, it’s important to remember there is no rush. Babies are often daunted by the unfamiliar feeling in their mouths, so try to remain patient, relax, and praise any effort to accept the new food.

One of my most favourite posts on the whole blog is the raising a good eater article. When you are starting solids with your baby you have the unique moment in time to really provide the best possible food journey. This is a great read and share for all your mummy friends starting out.

How do I introduce solids?

  • Choose a time when you and your baby are relaxed and he or she is not overtired
  • Use a small plastic spoon with rubber edges
  • Always test the temperature of the food
  • Remember consistency is key, so experiment until you get it right
  • Start with iron fortified rice cereal.  It is a low allergen food, easy for your baby to digest and contains iron.
  • Enjoy every minute. Babies have a habit of growing up way too fast.

Next you can read our post on solids: is my baby ready? 

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