All posts in Food Preparation
Printables: Fill Your Freezer Challenge
Congratulations. You’ve signed up for the One Handed Cooks ‘Fill Your Freezer Challenge’. Here are the relevant printables to get you started. The whole pack – Planner, Shopping List, and 7 Recipes [wpdm_file id=6] Recipe Pack – Includes all 7 recipes [wpdm_file id=8] Weekly Planner & Shopping Lists [wpdm_file id=7] Some...Read more
Freezing and Defrosting Guide
Freezing and defrosting and storing and reheating and labelling and all the other things you have to think about when preparing frozen food can sometimes be enough to put you off. We have created a simple guide for safe food preparation and food storage, and now some simple info on...Read more
Fill Your Freezer Challenge: Recipes
We’re getting excited! It’s less than a week to go before our Fill Your Freezer Challenge starts and I’ve been thinking long and hard about what I’m going to cook. I finally decided on this mix of healthy meals to maximise both variety and nutrition. Feel free to join me and cook these...Read more
Sign Up Now: Fill Your Freezer Challenge
Having a good supply of homemade frozen meals can help you manage your food budget, avoid those expensive and often unhealthy takeaway meals and gives you a break on those busy afternoons when you have no time to cook. You can read more about why we are doing this challenge...Read more
Food Preparation & Storage Guide
The day our baby Harry came home from hospital I found a sudden urge to keep the whole house cleaner and tidier than before – much to my husbands joy. Then came the crawling, and the obsessive need to pick up every piece of fluff off the floor. This cleanliness...Read more